CBD Hemp Honey - Elderberry Support

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Product Overview

Experience the Sweet Harmony of CBD and Raw Honey!

Available in 6oz or 12oz jar.

Discover the unique benefits of CBD infused in our exquisite CBD Honey Jars. Sourced from Colorado-grown hemp, our Colorado Hemp Honey offers a delicious and nourishing superfood of the utmost quality, ensuring superior absorption and maximum effectiveness. Each jar contains natural CBD from full-spectrum hemp extract, expertly blended with organic essential oils and herbal extracts to provide additional support for stress reduction, inflammation management, immune enhancement, and digestive health.

Crafted by dedicated beekeepers and farmers, our award-winning formulas undergo rigorous third-party lab testing, ensuring unmatched quality and potency. We have carefully combined pure, raw honey with Colorado grown full-spectrum hemp, resulting in a delightful superfood that harmonizes the sweetness of honey with the earthy undertones of hemp.

Each teaspoon serving of our CBD Colorado Hemp Honey delivers 5mg of naturally occurring CBD from full-spectrum hemp extract. This well-rounded blend harnesses the full potential of the hemp plant, providing comprehensive relief and benefits. Embrace the holistic power of CBD and experience the exceptional quality and efficacy of our renowned CBD Colorado Hemp Honey.